Tuesday, May 15, 2007


There have always been people on the move; people with an earnest desire to find the 'greener grass' which always lies in the reaches beyond. Now in the early centuries of expanding Europe, the Italian peninsula was one of those reaches beyond. Not only was the land fertile, but the Alpine range of mountains in the extreme north appeared to form a natural bulwark against some hostile, intruding army, and an effective barrier to the effects of any upheavals that could erupt in the lands beyond its northern border. However, families and small groups came over the Alps through mountain passes, or across the sea into the haven provided by natural harbors. They settled on hilltop vantages afforded by the Appenine range of mountains which traverse the landscape from the north west corner of the peninsula, across and down the eastern coastal region in a long ark, to end a little north of Campania in the south west.

One ethnic group that emerged out of the distant past to become an indigenous peoples in ancient Roman history was the Sabines. These people congregated in the eastern hills of the Appenines, but later became absorded into the general population to become Romans. Another group was the Latins who occupied the area around Rome including Latium - the region immediately to the south of Rome. The origins of the first iron users are found at Villanova, near to modern Bologna in Italy. And archaeology has established that the Villanovans were well-established across central Italy by the eighth century BC.

Then somewhere around 700 BC, groups of immigrants came from the East to land on the sandy beaches of Etruria. They called themselves the "Rasenna," but were subsequently known by the Romans as the "Trusci," or "Etrusci." Settling initially upon the hills close to the shoreline, these intrepid seafarers erected wooden fortifications, and established themselves on these sites which were to become Etruscan city states. As the number of these settlers grew, other cities sprang up elsewhere in the area. Etruria was that portion of the Italian peninsula which lay between the Arno river in the north, and the Tiber river in the south. Its border followed the two rivers to the Apennine Mountains in the east.

Tradition has it that twelve major city states grew out of these migrations to the area; but there is physical evidence of many more. Perhaps there were twelve such major states, surrounded by many minor townships. Now of the major cities, three are believed to have had a significant impact on history due to their interest in and influence upon an insignificant 'village' just across the Tiber - that village was called Rome. The three cities, all within a forty mile radius of Rome, were: Tarquinii, Caere, and Veii. Situated in the extreme south of Utruria and near the coast, these three cities were separated from their northern neighbors, who were tucked away beyond virgin forests further inland. Being clustered in the south, and near to the coast, the three sister cities were more readily available to outside influences - particularly Greek.

By this time, the Greeks had found Campania. The fertile soil, enriched by Vesuvius' volcanic ash deposits (the whole area is a volcanic hotbed), coupled with a warm but mild climate, made this land particularly attractive to would be settlers. These early Greek settlers chose Cumae on the west coast, about 120 miles south east of Rome known today as the Bay of Naples, as the center of their settlement. From here they were able to export grain, and expose their culture and language over a wide area. Consequently, this region covering southern Italy, Sicily, and the surrounding islands, became known as the Magna Graecia.

But the Etruscans also saw the potential for wealth and prosperity in Campania; and so they too began moving into the area. By 600 BC they had established a center of influence at Capua about seventeen miles north of Cumae. From here the invaders began taking control of the Campanian plain, though they were never able to rest control of Cumae itself from the Greeks. Now this movement put Rome between the southern border of Utruria and the newly acquired territory to the south. Besides, close by at the mouth of the Tiber river, were the salt pans upon which the Etruscans were dependent. It is only natural then, that this village should also come under Etruscan domination. The first Etruscan ruler was one Tarquinius Priscus - whom tradition would have us believe ruled between 616 and 579 BC. From this time, because of its proximity to Uritria and its strategic importance, Rome began to grow in size and in political influence.

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